
08.24.22Paradise Luau II
◀▶Paradise Luau II◀▶
Several Deochs have passed since the last Paradise Luau -- a festival to celebrate the season of Paradise, where the warm sun and salty air of the beach are as intoxicating as the drinks at Ruba's Mango Tango bar! Come join us for a moon to take part in our Paradise themed events -- you may win a unique prize or more!
(( This is a Suomi Troupe event that will begin on August 26 and end on August 28. For further details, please consult the event schedule below. ))
** North Lynith Beach 1 will have PVP turned "ON" from 8/24 - 8/30 **
◀▶Summer Seafood Fest◀▶
Come one, come all to the grand opening event: the Paradise summer seafood fest! The Suomi Troupe is bringing back its famous cooking competition -- this time with a summer twist! In this event, chefs must step onto stage to prepare their finest seafood dish using only ingredients only found in Temuair and Medenia! Points will be awarded for creative use of ingredients and stage performance!
Join us in North Lynith Beach by the shoreline! (( August 26 at 7:00pm PST / 10:00pm EST ))
◀▶Paradise Fashion Show◀▶
Come down to Lynith beach to show off your summer style! In this fashion show, there are two categories: regular summerwear and Mundane shop fashion. There is only one difference between these categories: accessories purchased from the Mundane shop (( Item Shop )) are only permitted in the second category! So grab your pals to hunt some treasure in the deep blue Paradise sea, and browse the Mundane Shop while you still have time!
Join us in North Lynith Beach by the shoreline! (( August 27 at 1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST ))
◀▶WFF Tournament◀▶
Calling all Aislings with the skill [Wolf Fang Fist] or/and [Lullaby Punch] to participate in our Wolf Fang Fist Duel Tournament! How do you WFF Duel? It's simple, first Aisling to land WFF on their adversary, wins the round! All duels are best of 3. Note that for this competition, you must be a Master or higher.
Join us in North Lynith Beach by the shoreline! (( August 27 at 4:00pm PST / 7:00pm EST ))
◀▶Summer Trivia◀▶
Come join us in the Mileth College grounds for our event finale: summer-themed history trivia, hosted by Temuair's finest history buff! The event will commence in the history classroom for credit, but the trivia competition will be held under the sun in the middle of the College campus.
Join us in the Mileth College History Classroom! (( August 28 at 7pm PST / 10pm EST ))
