07.14.22Temuairan Soccer League

Hear ye hear ye,

King Bruce has been lacking in entertainment these recent days and has noticed that the Loures Soccer Field is not being used to its full potential. In light of this the King would like to hold a Temurian Soccer League for all Aislings to participate in to alleviate our King's boredom.



3v3 Double Elimination Bracket. Matches will be first to 3 goals with the Finals being first to 5 goals.


Loures Soccer Field

Monday July 18th 5:00 PM PST))


1st Place: Unique Legend Marks, 200mil per player &
2nd Place: Unique Legend Marks, 150mil per player &
3rd Place: Unique Legend Marks, 100mil per player &

No: Killing, ground effects, Wff, pramh, beag suain, smoke bombs, traps, mounts & physical summons.
Goals will count once the ball fully enters the goal post.


The Suomi Troupe will host the Temurian Soccer League. League begins ((July 18th 5pm PST)) and will last for 1 double moon ((1 week ending July 25th)).