
02.17.21The Bashelor Prize Update
Due to the popularity of our eligible Bashelors, Mundanes have a new item to offer to The Bashelor winners. The new item is called "Bashelor Heart Balloon" and it serves as a Weapon Skin.
Basher FFA Prizes:
1st place - Chadul Relic
2nd place - Gold Bar and vday double
3rd place - Vday double
Caster FFA Prizes:
1st place - Chadul Relic
2nd place - Gold Bar and vday double
3rd place - Vday double
The Bashelor Prizes:
1st Place - Legend Mark, 5 vdays, 5 gold bars, ab95 set of your choice and Bashelor Heart Balloon
2nd Place - 3 vday doubles, 3 gold bars
3rd place - 1 vday double, 1 gold bar
We hope to motivate our current participants and any future bashelors.
~The Arena's Legendary Banrion of Temuair's Combat Queen of Loures Kingdom Host Captain, 3v3 CHAMPION, 3 times Respected Citizen of Mileth and Fiosachd Priest, part time Herbalist~
