02.09.21The Bashelor
The Bashelor
Hello Aislings!
Love is in the air, and the Banrion has decided to play matchmaker in a classic 2v2 Tournament. But before we get started, you must prove yourself and excel in combat!
This event is divided in 3 parts, as follows:
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Part 1: Basher FFA Prelims
Hybrids may participate, but they wont be able to use their priest/wizard spells through the event (no double pramh teams)
Location: Hosted Balanced Arena
Starts: Sunday, February 21st at 3:00PM PST, 6:00 PM EST
ETA: 1 Hour
NO ITEM OUTS - your inventory may be inspected by a rogue before entry.
No belt, no armor, no shields, no SA, no HoF, no prayers, no gars. No priest spells.
Open gate FFA for 20minutes.
Point based system = +1 point for kills, -1 for deaths.
Players will be ranked by points earned, from highest to lowest. The top 8 players will be announced, and they will move on to Part 3. Each player's final rank will be announced during the Main Event.
1st place Chadul Relic
2nd place Gold Bar and vday double
3rd place Vday double
Extra: Surprise prize!
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Part 2: Caster FFA Prelims
Only Summoners/Bards allowed.
Location: Hosted Balanced Arena
Starts: Sunday, February 21st at 4:00PM PST, 7:00 PM EST
ETA: 1 Hour.
NO ITEM OUTS - your inventory may be inspected before entry.
No belt, no armor, no shields, no prayers
Open gate FFA for 20minutes.
Point based system = +1 point for kills, -1 for deaths.
Players will be ranked by points earned, from highest to lowest. The top 8 players will be announced, and they will move on to Part 3. Each player's final rank will be announced during the Main Event.
1st place Chadul Relic
2nd place Gold Bar and vday double
3rd place Vday double
Extra: Surprise prize!
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Part 3: The Bashelor
There will be 16 combatants in the main event - the top 8 from each FFA Prelim round, and their ranks will be announced. Teams will be made on the spot, so attend with an open mind and keep an eye open for the results!
Location: Balanced Arena
Starts: Sunday, February 21st at 5:00 PM PST, 8:00 EST
Ends: Until finished
Tournament Rules:
8 team elimination brackets. All duels are Bo5.
NO ITEM OUTS - your inventory may be inspected before entry.
No shields, No fas, No HoF, No pre-casting spiders, No shields, No prayers, No item outs, No Prevent Affliction, No ao ard cradh.
1st Place - Legend Mark, 5 vdays, 5 gold bars, ab95 set of your choice
2nd Place - 3 vday doubles, 3 gold bars
3rd place - 1 vday double, 1 gold bar
Extra: Surprise prizes!
** Prizes might be updated prior to the event **
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To sign up, please check out the Bashelor Sign Up Form in the Public Arena Board, fill it out, and repost it there. You must have posted this Form before the FFAs start to qualify for prizes.
((Event will be streamed in full at: Twitch.tv/naena))
I hope to see everyone there,
~The Arena's Legendary Banrion of Temuair's Combat Queen of Loures Kingdom Host Captain, 3v3 CHAMPION, 3 times Respected Citizen of Mileth and Fiosachd Priest, part time Herbalist~