07.16.21July Events

The Entreaty: Aftermath

Loures continues to station guards to protect against "seditious speech", much to the chagrin of Mundane Librarian Uistean. Meanwhile, whispers abound of darker ministrations by darker agents of Loures. Mundane Librarian Uistean writes his plea:

At the conclusion of the events of the Entreaty in Deoch 6, an overwhelming number of Aislings had independently decided to support the Grimlok over the Goblins. The Grimlok showed their appreciation by digging a tunnel to reach Piet and Loures that remains to this day. Sadly, I recall the fury of the Council of Loures that several religious worshippers would interfere in the holy battle of the Grimlok and Goblins. They feared that the Grimlok were in an excellent position to launch attacks on Mileth or Piet. Many were slaughtered or imprisoned - including one of my dear friends. In recent moons, I have uncovered some new information that troubles me deeply. Please help me.

Mundane Librarian

Start Date: July 16th
End Date: July 30th

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Arena Boss Event

Popular GM characters will spawn in PvP Arena.

Balanced Arena ((PVP turned OFF))

* Arena Bosses will spawn randomly in Balanced Arena
* Boss will give: Prizes & Experience and Ability Points from Boss Kills

Start Date: July 16th
End Date: July 30th

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All Summer related items are back in-stock!