Attractions of Temuair Abel Horror

Cail Temple Fountain

Abel Crypt

Danger, courage and fear. This is what you'll find in this horrid place. Dark creatures dwell in this pit of destructions. On the out-skirts of Abel you'll find the dark palace that dips into the underground far beyond the reaches of light. However, such a magnificent peice of art-work this palace is. Great mounds of earth reaches out of the ground, as if it owns the land it stand on. The both gothic yet mysterious design of this temple is breath-taking and horrifying at the same time. If one wishes to battle the dark in a ever-lasting glory, visit this palace, but be warned... take a learned priestess, you'll need it.

Cail Temple Fountain

Outside the mighty temple of balance of peace, lies the soft sound of water sprinkling over the splashes of heart-warming purity. This must be one of the most artistic points in all of the lands of Temuair. The water dripples of the cold stone like rain-drops off mountain dew. This expression of love is a must see for all.

Glorious Undine Lake

Mileth Church

Statue of the Temples

Glorious Undine Lake

Gliocas' indomitable drive and passion is what gives this lake a mystical being. On a soft, quiet night, it is said that you can see Glioca her-self bath in the soft tender waters of this magnificent lake. It is truly blessed with the powers of a goddess.

Mileth Church

Can you hear the bell of those "Just-married-couple"? Such peace, and love is in the air. And even Sgath the dark lord can't with-stand the harmonies that plagues this place. Colours infuse this paradise with such bravery. A insightful sight to see.

Statue of the Temples

Every temple of a god is blessed with a statue. This statue is not to be taken with neglect. It is like a tender fairy that not only represents a god, but is a god in its own way. This statue is crafted with care, that you can almost see the emotions of the god at times. A true peace of art-work, and a great peice of faith.

Abel's Spitacular Beach

Acesion's Outstanding Temple

Soumi's Enchanting Fountain

Abel's Spectacular Beach's

Great castle made out of sand, a romantic stroll along the beach shore. This coast is one of spenders. One can heard the soft sounds of the water, of the waves that crash onto the shore of spenders, so tempting even a fairy can't resist to stop and listen. Gazing onto this beach is said to renewed ones energy and zeal. One should try it out one night.

Ascension Outstanding Ice Temples

Composed of ice, these temples renew both wisdom and health. Peering into them gives the seeker a new look on life. The ice looks like crystals on a dewy morning, as the sun pierces the edges of the transparent rocks, into the minds of all the Asilings that have the honor of touching it.

Soumi's Enchanting Fountain

Yet another great peice of artistic visions. It incorporates both water and nature in one clear picture. The waters of Soumi is the purest of the land, which makes good soil for crops and fruits. One day one must enter the great gates of Soumi and sit on a bench that is seated around this visionary pool of pleasure.

Wonder of Astrid

Prize of Mileth

Wonder of Astrid

Astrid has always been a place of mystery. Being just out-side on Undine this forest is enchanted with Kobs' Wolfs' and Gob Shamons'. A enchanting octagram is located in the center of this fierce place. It is use by the Shamons' for all sorts of rituals and incantations to hinder their race. The octagram itself represents the eight gods of the beautiful land of Temuair and also follows great history that surrounds it. This mystery can not be missed.

Prize of Mileth

One of the great prizes of Mileth is its love for animals. Even in Mileth itself is cows that shows this great farming land a pleasure to witness. Mileth's cows are the best in the land and have a great repetitions to give the most tastiest milk in the world. If you have some of Mileths' milk then you should consider yourself lucky.

Terror of the Crypt

Undine Fountain

Curse of the Crypt

The most splendid place of them all is the dragon in the most bitter deeps of the crypt. In this dark dark place, that no god, not even glioca herself would touch. Here there is a great statue of a once powerful dragon. Even though just a statue one can sense the power and enormous magic that emulates from its body. If one listens hard they can hear all the screams of the victims that this beast has taken. A truly scary thought, it sometimes can make the listener mad. Be careful when you travel this far, you could catch the curse of the Crypt!

Undine Fountain

One of the best fountains in all of Temuair, is the Undine fountain. Powered by the great waters of the undine lake, this fountain gives both slender to all that gazes into it. If you look deep into the enchanted waters, you can see the ancient heroes of the land as it tells you the stories of long ago.