Mileth Crypt
Cross-Reference: Beastiary of Temuair
The Mileth Crypt is probably one of the first places any Aisling will hunt. It's easy to find, lying in the outskirts of Mileth, it's cold, dank walls visible from afar. If you walk southwest of the Temple of Choosing, you'll soon lay your eyes upon the tall, ominous structure that is the Mileth Crypt. Some claim it was once used as a fortress against the Dubhaim in the Great War of Danaan and Chadul. Others claim it's been there long before man. Whichever is true, it is now infested with monsters, many of them quite dangerous.
In the first few two levels of the crypt, you shouldn't experience much trouble… Most Aislings can hunt alone here even at the earliest insights. However, should you decide to venture deeper, you had better come prepared. Already at the third level of the crypt, spell-casting monsters appear. A young Aisling should never go here alone, it's simply too dangerous.
An interesting thing about the crypt is that unlike the East Woodlands, it takes quite a bit of time to get to the more difficult levels. This becomes such a problem at one point that most Aislings simply do not bother to hunt in the crypt anymore. This makes it a good alternative for those Aislings who find the Woodlands to be a bit too crowded. The enemies you will face in the crypt are just as skilled as those you will meet in the Woodlands, in some cases even more so, so you shouldn't worry about your hunts being less beneficial. Also, it seems the creatures found in the crypt are worth quite a bit more money than those in the Woodlands, making it an ideal place to save up a few coins.
Suggested Groups
1. Rogue & Priest

2. Warrior/Monk, Warrior/Monk & Priest

3. Warrior/Monk & Priest

4. Warrior/Monk & Wizard (using Dark items)

5. Warrior & Monk